We have been faithfully toting Madi to dance class each Thursday night from 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. and through our little “peeks” through the window in the door, we have been able to get a glimpse of what she is learning. Ask her at home what she did? Usually the answer is “I don’t know”.
But last night, she had a Halloween shindig during her class, which included a dance that they performed for the parents. We didn’t know what to expect when they hollered for the troops and we dutifully filed in and sat down in a single line facing the row of fidgety 3 and 4 year olds attempting to stand on their “dot” (a colored rubber circle that they all were standing on). To add to the fracas? They were all in their Halloween costumes – most of them some version of winged creature – butterfly, bee, fairy, Tinkerbell – so cute.
The song “Monster Mash” started, and from the first wiggle to the final wave, I was astounded. Madi kept her eyes mostly on Miss Tracy to make sure she was doing the right things, but she kept up with the moves and stayed on beat the entire time. The girl has rhythm! I was the videographer – which was probably not the best move, because I am not talented with the camera – and you can hear Ben and I giggling in the background the whole time because she was so darn adorable. Parker was watching her intently as well – probably in the back of his mind, he was wondering why he couldn’t dance too!
I guess I shouldn’t have been too surprised, because she dances and sings at home all the time, but when I had asked her about the dance previously, all I could get out of her was that she shakes her hands when the monster roars. Hmmm, I thought…this will be interesting. But she did really well, and it made me feel better about the check I had just written out to pay for her next month of classes and the money for her costume for the recital that is on June 5th. I guess we’re committed, huh….
Maybe that’s why they do it – to give the kids a chance to shine AND to keep the parents hooked and wanting to see the next performance – hey, it worked for us!

Rachel:It was the same for your mom and I. We could hardly believe what you and your sisters could do. That’s true even now.Love,Dad