Find all of my 31 Moments of Motherhood postsĀ here.
[Lights come up on a woman sitting in a glider, feet up on an ottoman, rocking a sleeping infant with a flowered boppy and nursing cover in her lap. There is a pile of books, a clock, stopwatch, and a glass of water on a side table.]
When you nurse three kids over the span of five years, there is bound to be some changes in your “approach” from kid one to kid three, especially with those 4 a.m. feedings. Take a look for yourself…
Kid One.
[Woman picks up notebook from table next to glider, looks at clock and writes down time. She settles infant down under a nursing cover, clicks stopwatch, and picks up the book, “Baby’s First Year” to read. Lights fade out.]
[Lights come up on woman in same glider, new boyish boppy cover, and baby up on shoulder. The glass of water is still on the side table, but the pile of books are gone, replaced by a cell phone. The woman looks visibly tired.]
[Yawning] Kid Two.
[Woman looks at phone to see the time, “counts” the hours on her hand, and settles infant down under nursing cover. The glass of water is forgotten as she dozes off, head tilted crazily to one side. Lights fade out.]
[Lights come back up on same glider, back to the flowered boppy and nursing cover, sleeping infant laying in her lap. A pile of crayon-filled drawings sit on the table with a cell phone buried underneath, along with an open bag of Goldfish.]
[Munching a handful of Goldfish] Kid Three, right?
[Woman digs through the stack of papers to find her phone, checks the time, settles infant down under nursing cover, and then proceeds to write a grocery list, answer text messages, thumb-type a blog post, eat goldfish, and nurse all at the same time.]
Definitely an evolution…one 4 a.m. feeding at a time…