Find all of my 31 Moments of Motherhood posts here.
[Lights come up on a woman standing behind a counter with a variety of breakfast supplies scattered on the counter.]
“As much as I told myself that I was not going to become a “short order cook” to my kids,
this is what my breakfast routine has turned into…”[starts to assemble each meal]
“One slice of crunchy peanut butter toast with the crust cut off, orange juice, and a ‘spooky orange danimal’ for kid one.”
“Two buttermilk waffles with butter, milk with a sippy top, and a ‘red danimal’ for kid two.”
“One milk chocolate Carnation shake for kid three.”
“Gummi vitamins for everyone.”
[Plops everything down in a nice neat row.]
“Order up, kids!”
“It is more than a little bit ridiculous.”
“Why do I do it? WHY?”
[Walks around to the front of the counter, grabs a waffle, and takes a bite.]
“Those kids. They are my greatest joy…and my greatest exhaustion.”
“And it’s almost time for snack already….”
[Lights down]