There is something special about taking my kids to the beach. All of a sudden, my kids who ask to “play on my phone” as soon as we get into the car, throw fits if I don’t let them watch “one more show”, and ask me to find things for them to do constantly, turn into “beach kids” that can easily find hours of entertainment with a bucket and a shovel. This was never more obvious than last week. We were on vacation with Ben’s family in South Haven, Michigan – and because of the amazing weather, we spent a good portion of every day at Lake Michigan. It was amazing to me that the moment they hit the sand, they were off and running, playing together and finding “fun” in the simplest things…
sunset romps
driftwood collecting
sandy secrets
inner tubes
jumping the waves
cousin company
sand sculptures
I adore our “beach kids”, and watching them grow up appreciating Lake Michigan and the beauty it has to offer?