I spent the afternoon today at the office, working on my 3rd annual November project…the Thanksgiving client baskets for my husband’s law firm. It is almost impossible to believe that I have bagged, ribboned, wrapped, taped, and delivered like a crazy person for three Novembers in a row, but here I am, once again.
I have learned a lot in the last three years, like the cheapest place to buy basket filler and cello bags and when to hit up Michael’s for 50% off fall baskets. I have also learned that no matter how early I start, there is always a mad rush to the finish.
But one thing that basket time always reminds me is how unexpected life is. When I was a teenager, helping my mom wrap up baskets for Christmas gifts, I never could have imagined that I would be wielding giant rolls of cellophane 20 years later. It makes me wonder what my current experiences are preparing me for in the next stage of my life…planning events, a television interview, writing regularly, creating marketing materials…who knows.
I used to think that I had to have everything figured out; that my career had to start and end in the same universe. But instead I have been forced to realize that you just never know what your path will look like, and you just need to soak up as much as possible in the meantime. Long term planning is obviously important, but sometimes the best laid plans end up crumpled up in the trash can replaced by other…usually better things.
I left the office at 4 p.m. today with the end in sight. Only 25 more baskets left to wrap and 38 more to deliver before Thanksgiving. Ben told me tonight that before I know it, I will have done the baskets for 10 years. Maybe he’s right…but I won’t buy a lifetime supply of wired ribbon yet…just in case.

I remember reading posts about these baskets before on your blog, but I had no idea how MANY you did! I thought it was about a dozen or so…not in the 60s. Amazing!