I wrote for five minutes this morning on “opportunity”, linking up to The Gypsy Mama, but there is more to the story…more to my story. I distinctly feel as if I am in training…for something.
I run down the road, one foot after another hitting the pavement. I am in training, making my body stronger.
Up early, sometimes even before the kids, I read I Corinthians 13 again and again, digging out context and language choices. I am in training, searing scripture into my heart.
Every Tuesday, I go sit in an office and write press releases and design newsletter headers. I am in training, figuring out what I want from the next stage of my career.
I click on my food diary to enter my nighttime snack and run, Pita Bites instead of chips and cheese. I’m in training, teaching myself to make better choices.
I sit in a darkened gymnasium and scribble furious notes on being filled with the Holy Spirit and go home to read convicting words by Francis Chan about craving the Holy Spirit. I am in training, learning how to see the world through God’s eyes.
And my tendency is to think that this “training” is for something grandiose…amazing…and attention-grabbing. But maybe…just maybe…I am in training to live my current life well. To be an example to my kids. To support my husband. To be strong in my faith so I can encourage others. To be ready to serve, to act, to be open to the Holy Spirit when He whispers my name.
I don’t know what God has for me tomorrow or next year, but I certainly want to be ready for it. So I do the work, put in the time, train my mind, body, and spirit so I am prepared for the challenges of responding properly to my kids when they disobey, prepared to give of my time and resources when the opportunity presents itself, and prepared to apply what I am learning as I dig into the Word.
For example, I have been participating in the Hello Mornings study with Inspired to Action; this week we focused on I Corinthians 13: 1 – 3. Earlier today, I reflected on how to apply it, and this is what came out:
If I am the best Mom in the world, creating well-rounded and well-behaved children, but have not love, I am nothing.
If I read my Bible every day, sitting in my regular seat at church every Sunday, and serving tirelessly, but have not love, I am nothing.
If I write inspirational and perspective-shifting words, tweeting encouragement to my followers, but have not love, I am nothing.
If I donate my time and belongings to those in need, bringing meals to the sick, and praying for the brokenhearted, but have not love, I am nothing.
Training, indeed.

Beautiful post, Rachel. Thanks for sharing your heart. I, too, am in training. My goals are to Speak with Love, Act with Love, Give with Love. Thanks for the reminder these actions require loving thought as I train them into my heart. Happy Saturday, friend! You are an inspiration. ☺
Larri…thanks for your beautiful thoughts. I love your goals – they fit perfectly with the chapter we are studying! 🙂 We carry on…carry on…
I love how you made hose verses personal. It really brings it home. And you are right we are always in training while we walk this road to. Evoke more like Christ. May god bless you in your faithfulness to him.
Thanks so much for your thoughts…and for visiting! 🙂