Well, I have successfully made it through three days of the Gunnar Challenge…only 53 days more to go!
Here are a few of my observations so far:
1. I did not realize how much unnecessary food I was putting in my mouth until I started to document it. Sandwich crusts, leftover pop tarts, mini chocolate bars at work, double helpings at dinner…you name it, I eat it. The crazy part is that I thought that I would be starving without all of that extra food, but I am perfectly fine. Obviously, I eat simply because it is there rather than when I am actually hungry.
2. They asked you to take a “before” picture of yourself, which I dutifully did (after I swallowed my pride). It reminded me that a) I need to “rock what I got” no matter what and b) I’m not sure if I am enough of a “rockstar” to upload it to the Gunnar website. Blech.
3. Even though I didn’t get my act together to figure out very many meals this week, I did make one of the recipes yesterday – wheat bread with avocado, cheese, and salsa, toasted with a little olive oil – and it was actually pretty tasty. I’m interested to check out a few more of the recipe options, especially for breakfast and lunch.
4. I also attempted my first workout last night – it was cardio + circuit training you can do in your living room. I have been running, but not doing any strength training, so it was a nice change-up, and I worked up a sweat. Surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), I almost collapsed when I attempted my bench dips. I guess my triceps need a little work. And yes…I’m sore today.
I think that’s it for now…I’ll check back in a few days!