Find all of my 31 Moments of Motherhood posts here.
[Lights come up on a woman standing alone.]
Pediatrician [from offstage]
“Okay, Mom, what questions do you have about your two-year-old?”
Husband [from offstage]
“Go see your Mom to get your face wiped off.”
Child [whining, from offstage]
Mom, I need you!
Woman [from offstage]
Do you have any coupons, bottle slips, or gift cards?
[Pause; woman shakes head “no”.]
Oh…quite the family you have there, Mom. You must be busy.
Child [confused, from offstage]
Mom, where are you???
Older Man [from offstage]
You have beautiful children, Mom.
Child [frantically, from offstage]
“I love being a mom, but sometimes I just want to be called by my real name.”
[Lights down]