what I do…
Wash dishes.
Take care of my family of five.
Write and edit for Mom Colored Glasses.
Work part-time at my husband’s law firm.
Watch lots of singing & dancing performances in my living room.
Answer e-mail.
Answer more e-mail.
Write reflections on my crazy life…in my spare time.
Wash laundry.
You know…the normal stuff.
(more importantly) who I am…
A wife.
A mother.
A daughter…sister…friend…
A child of God.
A communicator.
A work in progress.
where I write…
In addition to Circle of Quiet, I am a contributing editor at MomColoredGlasses. MCG is an online magazine for moms where we share ideas, information, and inspiration for moms everywhere on a variety of topics ranging from adoption, green living, career, family life, frugal living, recipes, DIY, product reviews, and much more. Personally, I write about children’s books, app reviews, career, family, and anything else that strikes my fancy.
As part of MCG, I have been able to share our “mom perspective” on Fox 17 in Grand Rapids, MI a few times. I wrote about my latest trip to the studio here.
other places I have been published recently…
“Mom Colored Glasses” & “Pinning my Worth on the Eternal”, Praise and Coffee Magazine, Spring 2012
“Transitions”, mamalode.com, February 29, 2012
“Farm Days”, Capper’s/Grit Magazine
“Sustaining Employee Engagement: Racing Toward the Future, CFMA Building Profits , March/April 2011
how can I help you?
Advertising space is available in the right sidebar. For rates or if you’d just like to contact me, please email rachelhammond [at] me [dot] com. I am also available to receive and review products and/or books. I will always give my honest opinion, and tell my readers when I did not buy the item myself.
Here’s to gaining perspective, capturing memories, focusing on gratitude, and remembering that we are never left alone…