It was one of those weeks where I wasn’t sure whether I should laugh or cry. There were some tough moments, born out of strong wills, unforeseen circumstances, and sheer exhaustion, but there were also moments of sunshine, giggles, and plenty of chocolate covered strawberry marshmallows. I spent hours digging through bins of too-small clothes, contemplating the years we are leaving behind us, but also spent precious minutes walking through our house-in-progress, watching lumber and drywall tape turn into the spaces we will be doing life in a few short months. We talked over the highway noise and laughed at sweaty kids jumping on trampolines and running through sprinklers, but also felt the hole of missing family members.
It was one week out of many, but it so clearly grabs me as a microcosm of what life is all about, what Solomon so clearly explained by saying, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” I suppose he didn’t say that all of it would take place in the stretch of a single week, but the Truth remains. Joy…and weeping. Pain…and healing. Peace…and turmoil. And through it all, I felt the hand of the Spirit on my shoulder, pointing me towards joy, reminding me to love extravagantly, showing me gifts around every corner.
And so, a few joyful gifts from Fiona’s third birthday…
#492: Marshmallows
#493: Trampolines
#494: Strawberry Shortcake (courtesy of big sis)
#495: Ruffles
#496: Bathing Suits
#497: Treats
#498: Velvet Dresses
#499: Cupcakes
#500: Halfway to 1000 Gifts…
#501: Hugs
#502: Princesses
Happy Birthday my Fi-Girl…