Today I am linking up withΒ The Gypsy MamaΒ for Five Minute Friday to talk about “Perspective”. My job? Write for five minutes…no editing, no over thinking, no worries.
Just as I sat down to write this little ditty on perspective, Fiona walks over and starts stacking cotton balls inside of her new slinky right next to me. Then, she proceeds to knock over my glass of water all over the table, my pants, and the floor.
Perspective? Yep. I need it every day.
My days seem to be filled lately with endless messes, piles of stuffed animals to trip over, crushed crackers on the floor, shredded cotton balls everywhere, while my to-do list sits neglected. It is frustrating to feel like you are spinning your wheels and watching them sink deeper into a pit of mud.
But I read somewhere recently (and I’m paraphrasing) that even though it seems like you aren’t going anywhere, you can still change…yourself. Like staring at a wall while running on a treadmill…you aren’t actually “going” anywhere, but you are still changing your muscle tone and endurance.
So even in the midst of overflowing piles of crafts and perpetually untied ballet shoes and weeds that are taller than me, I can still find perspective. I am learning patience. I brought five bags of “stuff” to Goodwill this week. Parker and I played basketball…and soccer…and t-ball together. Fiona didn’t get hurt when Parker pushed her into the picnic table. I’ve been learning a lot about I Corinthians this week. I love my kids….even when they are ornery and don’t want to help out and throw massive fits when I say no.
Perspective. It changes things.

hi! i am visiting from the link up at the gypsy mama. you are the link right before me.
i had similar things happening in our home while trying to write – haha! well, i guess that is raising kids, right? as mamas we need constant perspective and realignment to see the bigger picture and not just what we are dealing with in the moment. i just finished reading 1 corinthians myself and now i am reading in acts. it is giving me some fresh perspective on my life for sure! blessings and hope you have a great day and that God uses each moment today to build endurance and love in your heart.
my recent post: it’s all about perspective
Thanks Charis…I’ll have to come and read your perspective piece π We distracted, perspective-needing moms need to stick together! π I am enjoying reading I Corinthians quite a bit – it’s just stuffed with so many great reminders!
Perspective certainly does change everything. It can take a frustrating day and turn it into a praise filled day…even in the midst of the routine. Well done!
Thanks Eileen…sometimes the routine just pulls me down into the dumps. It’s great to get such great encouragement! π
I like how you look at things… nothing wrong with messes if you have happy kids and taking stuff to donate in my opinion is so freeing π Have a wonderful day!
Preach it! π It was extremely freeing to bring my pile to Goodwill…especially the bag of maternity clothes I kept hanging on to WAY too long! Thanks for visiting!
My sentiments exactly… sometimes I just want to steal some one else’s Five Minute Friday, saying just what I’m thinking but can’t put into words! π
Funny how I feel the same way when I visit other people’s posts! I guess that is the power of the link-up – we can all benefit from each other!!