I feel like there is a lot I could be stressed out about right now.
Let me rephrase.
I am stressed out right now, and it is the kind of stress that shows up in stiff necks, sore jaws after nights of grinding my teeth, and extra snappiness towards the people I love. It is the kind of stress that deems extra prayer, a few more visits to the local yoga hothouse, and lots of extra chocolate. It is also the kind of stress that could use a little mental check of my gifts from the past week, which of course is delayed, because I was too stressed and busy to do it on Monday. And that is exactly part of the problem. There should never be a time where I am too busy to be thankful…too busy to take the time to reflect and pray…too busy to deal with my stress.
So, here I am…with jaws that clench without thinking…and a mind that is too jumpy to settle down…to count a few more gifts…
#340: The homemade valentines that the kids made
#341: Over-the-top thrill over a new Jake and the Neverland Pirates special…Peter Pan is back, kids!
#342: Bright pink roses for valentines day…with a water bottle for a vase (couldn’t find the box of vases)
#343: Walking the perimeter of our lot…and feeling a tiny shred of ownership…
#344: Finding a cabinet color combination that Ben and I could agree on…
#345: The Twisted Rooster House Salad…just love those raisin bread croutons…
#346: Random opportunities to talk about MCG on the local news…
#347: Being able to talk about something I am passionate about…helping people with their career journey
#348: My new Adele Pandora station…
#349: Reading a Boxcar Children story with Parker, all snuggled on the couch
#350: Fiona enjoying running errands with me…even when it means waiting at the Secretary of State office
#351: Play dates at the mall play area
#352: An uninterrupted dinner with Ben
#353: Watching Madi be so excited about her “book report” on The Magician’s Nephew
#354: Warm blankets on cold nights
#355: Successfully completing one wheel pose at yoga this week, along with a shoulder stand…
I could probably keep going…I can tell my jaw is already relaxing. So many things to be thankful for…so many reasons to be joyful…

That is so funny you mentioned your Adele Pandora station. I’ve set up TWO stations, ha! The kids and I have been Rolling in the Deep a whole heck of a lot this week. 🙂
My new favorite hanging around the house kind of music…:)