I’m sitting in the McDonalds play area, shivering next to the big glass window while I listen to the kids scream and giggle as they climb up and slide down…over and over. I could leave, go walk around Meijer, stop at the library, go drive past another rental house, but instead I feel frozen to the plastic polka dotted seat.
The inspector is at our home with the potential buyer, scouring every nook and cranny to find all the “wrong” things about our house. In my paranoid mind, they are on a mission to find any reason to back out…making a list as long as my arm of things that they want us to fix or “else”.
Up to this point, I have treated the whole idea of selling our house as a concept, an idea, something that is happening “in theory”, but not in real life. And frankly, I am a little traumatized by the idea of leaving the house where we started our family…where we have had made buckets full of amazing memories.
It was not until this cold, uncomfortable moment that I realized how much I was hoping this would work out. I want to give Madi her own room…I want to have a place for guests to sleep that isn’t in our living room…I want to move forward to the next phase of our family’s life…I want to take the for sale sign out of our yard and kick it into the street…
I know that I should feel incredibly lucky that we have gotten this far with someone interested in our house right before the holidays…I know this might not be the right person or the right timing…but instead I just feel worried and stressed.
Man, it was much easier living in the theoretical. This real world kind of stinks.

I felt the same way when my house was on the market. I didn’t think it would really happen and I was scared to leave the place where my hubby and I’s life started together. But once the papers were signed, it felt great! So, don’t worry too much because a new adventure awaits! 🙂