Back in January, I submitted an article proposal for Building Profits, a magazine that Construction Financial Management Association (CFMA) puts out every two months. They were asking for articles related to Human Resources, and an idea started kicking around in my head about employee engagement during a recession. Thrilling stuff I know, but they always say write about what you know, and I had a few things to say about the topic.
To my surprise, they accepted my proposal, and three months later, the article came out in the March/April issue. It turned out pretty good, thanks in large part to the companies that I asked to be involved in the article. Everyone likes good real-life examples, right? And it gave me a nice warm fuzzy feeling to see my name in print for the first time.
And for your reading pleasure? Here it is….Sustaining Employee Engagement. It will be especially exciting if you are a manager in the construction industry…