hi! my name is madi. my mom is name is rachel, the maker of this hole blog! WOW! i am 5 years old. and i skiped one grade! in first grade we are making george washington wigs. for scince we are studing the planets .like earth.in math we are learning about before, after, and betwen. my favroite thing to do is reading. if any qwashtions ask my mom to tell me!

Madi, it was so good to hear about what you are learning. You are such a great writer just like your mom. The First graders at my school also learn about the planets. Do you have a favorite planet? I have always liked Mars because it is orange/red. Love you!
i dont know witch one i like best. but i think i like the earth. why do they call it the milky way?
Hello Madi! I’m happy to see you love to read. When I was your age, my favorite book was “B is for Betsy.” Have you read that one? It’s one in a series that I think you might like. What is your favorite book?
i dont know. and i havent read b is for betsy yet. madi.
Madi –
Great post! I love it! Here is my question: How often will you be posting such cool things? Be sure to let me know so I can be looking for them!
Love you, Dad
i will have a new post every week okay? madi.
Your planet poster is awesome! And the George Washington wig sounds pretty sweet too! Can’t wait to hear more about what you’re up to!
thanks. i just brout the wig home today. madi.
Hi Madi, how many planets are there in our solar system? I was wondering because they don’t count Pluto as a planet anymore.
there are eight planets.but scientists are arguing that pluto is a just a regular planet or a dwarf planet.sorry that i haven’t bloged in a while.please tell grandma that?