I knew that it was going to be an adventure, renting a house, sight unseen, in the middle of winter, in a summer resort town. I knew there would be some challenges to face, renting an old house, complete with a historical plaque out front, a claw footed tub, and seven bedrooms filled with “stuff”.
What I didn’t expect was to walk in and find the heat turned completely off and the temperature reading at 42 degrees. Supposedly someone had been renting it before we arrived, but that was perhaps said to keep us from arriving too early. Supposedly the house was cleaned, but there’s no way the house had been touched since the last renter of the summer. Not even close.
As Fiona sat in the booster seat with her snowsuit on and we started to unload four vehicles worth of supplies into a house that just wasn’t seeming the least bit cozy, I was internally questioning our sanity.
What were we thinking!?!
But, I underestimated the tour de force that is my family. Instead of turning around and heading for the nearest Marriott, Renae brought over her mop and spray bottle of vinegar water and Kristin mopped the floors. Instead of complaining, my Mom replaced the battle scarred rugs with cheery holiday ones, spread out a holiday tablecloth, and filled the nooks and crannies with Christmas decor. Instead of whining about the cold, Parker pulled out his plastic red bin “drum” and colored pencil “drumsticks” and started performing. Instead of staring at an empty living room, my Dad took the troops to cut down a Christmas tree.
A mere 24 hours later, the house was transformed from a cold, dusty rental to a warm, cheery hangout complete with our freshly cut Christmas tree decorated with homemade ornaments, piles of gifts, containers of cookies, and lots of laughter and conversation. The only thing missing now is Ben, who is finishing up work in Grand Rapids before heading down for the long weekend.
I’ll be honest…when I found out that we were going to be spending the holidays in an unfamiliar house instead of someone’s home…my parents or my sister’s house…I was a little bummed. I just didn’t think it was going to seem “right”.
I was wrong. I had forgotten that it does not matter where you are…being with the people you love is what makes it “home”.
Welcome home, my family…hurry home, my dear husband…it’s time to celebrate…
— Post From My iPhone

Your family sounds awesome, Rach. Enjoy the time spent with them this Christmas, and I hope Ben can join you soon!