We had somewhat of an unusual day today. Madi was at her cousin’s house and Fiona took a tremendously long morning nap, even after sleeping almost 8 hours last night. So, Parker, or “Dubs” as we affectionately call him, (yes…my kid’s nicknames are Mad, Dubs, and Fi), he was able to hang out with Mommy all by himself. He didn’t have to shout to be heard over crying and/or stories about imaginary friends named Laura, he didn’t have to take turns doing the daily song and dance routine for me, and he got to pick out a show all by himself without “Sissy” trying to convince him to choose something other than Diego. And…he only asked “Where Sissy go?” about 10 times, which was a lot less than I was anticipatng.
Frankly, I might have had more fun than he did, considering how difficult it is to get one on one time with anyone these days. Plus, he is just a fun kid to hang out with…the operative word being “kid”‘. It seems like in the last few months, he has sprouted into a toddler with his physical size (37 lbs.), verbal abilities (he repeats everything Madi says, so his vocabulary is expanding rapidly), and his comprehension and memory (ABCs, counting, colors and whatnot). And well, he’s not the baby anymore, so I guess he is taking on that “big brother” persona now, which includes him wanting to do everything “myself” and…
…potty training! I had noticed the last week or so that his diaper was dry, even in the mornings sometimes. I was not that excited about the prospect of potty training, especially because I thought he was a little young, but I just started popping him on the potty and he has been going and keeping his diaper dry more than half the time! A fluke? Possibly…I guess time will tell. It’s awful cute though when be sits there and we “listen” for the tinkle with our hands cupped around our ears. His prize? An orange slice…it’s all I had that he would get excited about (it is orange, after all). With Madi, I used M&Ms…one for pee-pee and two if her was diaper was dry. I was a little more prepared with her, obviously…probably with Fiona she will get something even more random…or nothing at all…
So, today was a good day…to focus on Dubs and deflect any uprising of “middle child syndrome”. It reminded me of some of the many things about him that make me smile. Like his fascination with orange, and the crazy clothing combinations he insists on…his hugs that border on a choke hold…how he still likes to twirl my hair when he needs consoling…the countless ways he says “yes” with varying inflection (he will be a great speaker or actor someday)…how his face and ears turn fire engine red when he gets hot and sweaty just like his Mom…his enthusiasm for everything…how he loves to sing songs with unrecognizable words while jumping around like a crazy man…that he adores both his sisters and is so proud of being a “big brother”…and well, he’s just a great kid…
…my Dubs.