Classes at Cornerstone start tomorrow, which means I’m going back to work, my long and beach-filled summer at an end. No complaints here, because it has been a wonderful summer, even though I did look longingly at the sunny deck as I headed down to the basement this past weekend to work on my class prep.
When I emerged from the basement Saturday afternoon, I was surprised to find that I was really stiff and sore from working on the computer. This led me to an extended internal conversation with myself about why I was so stiff after one day of working when I used to be a full time cubicle dweller. Here’s what I came up with…
I have fully made the switch from a full time employee/part time everything else to a full time home engineer/part time employee. Yes…it is true. My body is used to the constant movement that taking care of two young children involves (up – down – running – skipping – lugging) and is sadly unprepared for sitting in one position for any length of time. Probably if I traded places with someone who works primarily on their computer for a day, we would both be toast by the end of the workday (and I would still have to come home and care for the kiddos until bedtime).
It is sort of like when you have a newborn and you are getting up every two hours at night. You do it…and live through it…and are still able to function (maybe marginally) enough to keep the two of you healthy. Fast forward to when that same child is three, and you have to get up with them because of the flu. It will knock you flat on your back, because you are not used to it!
Thankfully, I can break up my computer time into manageable chunks after the semester starts, but boy, am I glad that our bodies adapt to our current situation!