Between trying to finalize the sale of our house and struggling with a nasty cold, I have felt a little disconnected. You know, the kind of feeling where your head feels like it is floating above your body and you are moving through jello?
But the fog is starting to lift and I finally have time to sit down and think about the new additions to my gift list. There are plenty of things to be thankful for, but this week I keep thinking about Fiona. My little spitfire, who laughs loud and hugs huge, my little buddy who follows me all around the house, dragging our little craft table chairs to wherever I happen to be at the time.
But wait, I need to catalog them a bit more succinctly…
#283: Unconstrained laughter…especially in the middle of dinner
#284: Silky soft hair that barely needs a brush…thank goodness!
#285: Love of princesses…especially Ariel
#286: Love of smashing all the colors of play-dough together…and making me elaborate birthday cakes
#287: Gregarious nature…she starts up conversations with everyone she meets like they are her best friend
#288: Recent obsession with games and puzzles…her favorite right now is Hisss! The Snake Building Game
#289: Amazing initiative…I don’t get a bandaid fast enough for her, she climbs up on the counter to get her own
#290: Little arms around my neck as we snuggle before she falls asleep
#291: Picking out her own outfit…complete with multiple tutus and jewelry
#292: Her little falsetto voice singing “Silent Night”
#293: Eating “ganilla” pudding with “frosting” on top…better known as vanilla pudding with whipped cream
#294: Whispering “I love you” over and over before bedtime
#295: Jumping on Ben and Parker to join in with their wrestling matches
#296: Her little face next to my bed every morning, waiting to climb in for an early morning snuggle
I could go on and on…because as much as she can drive me bananas with her wakeful nights and constant cries of “I need you, Mom”, I love her with every fiber of my being. She is beautiful and strong, smart and feisty, and I simply could not imagine my life without her.
Love you Fi!