After a busy weekend, I find myself with drooping eyelids and a sunburned nose, but I am still drawn to the practice of gratitude. I am currently reading Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts and it is riddled with yellow marker as I underline sentence after sentence, challenging me to see God’s gifts in the tiniest of things. This practice of gratitude? It could change my life…my perspective.
Tappety-type. Tappety-type. My gifts spill out onto the screen, gleaming into the night, and I think about…
#38: Long dark tongues of giraffes, grabbing our offering of romaine, unknowingly giving my kids the most memorable moment at the zoo
#39: Little girls, becoming friends as they dash down rows of chairs at church, squealing and giggling
#40: Technology that lets us, almost by magical means, reach across the miles to talk to my parents
#41: Crowds of kids clamoring for the Tootsie Rolls and Twizzlers thrown from the back of a pickup truck
#42: Hard-fought freedom, giving us the chance to live and worship as we please
#43: Salty sweat, pouring into my eyes after a run around the three mile “block”
#44: Sweet drips of watermelon, sliding down my chin, tasting of summer and sunshine
#45: Bright blue paint, adorning our new picnic table and one pair of last year’s shorts
Happy Memorial Day!