Over the last six months or so, I have watched my weight creep up. Not by a lot, but it is definitely not headed in the right direction. But that is all I have been doing…watching it tick up ounce by ounce, pound by pound. I think to myself (while eating a bowl of chips and cheese), “Wow, I should do something about that…someday”. Yeah, my BMI is in the normal range right now, but the way I’m going? Yikes.
So, when I saw an opportunity to participate in The Gunnar Challenge, I thought that it would be a great opportunity for me to start being intentional about eating better and exercising. I’m always up for a challenge, especially one with an end date, and this one is perfect…just eight weeks long.
Basically, it’s an online program designed by Hollywood trainerĀ Gunnar Peterson, and it includes an eight week workout schedule, meal ideas that fit my calorie target, a suggested meal plan, motivational messages from Gunnar, forums to connect with other participants, and even an online food/exercise diary that calculates the calories earned/used. I am especially excited about the workouts and the food diary, and I will probably pick and choose my way through the meal plan while watching my snacks.
I just “accepted the challenge”, and went through the somewhat traumatizing process of weighing myself at 10:30 p.m., and taking all of my measurements. The only downside for me was that I couldn’t figure out how to select a goal weight that was lower than my current weight, since I am in the “healthy range” for my BMI, but that’s not a huge deal, I suppose. I am more concerned about the re-distribution of my weight and the flab from three kids and limited exercise…workouts here I come!
While I received an invitation for free, it does cost $99 for the 8 weeks. But you can try it out for one week for $9, which is a nice option. I would definitely have given it a one-week whirl at the very least to check it out and see if it met my needs.
The challenge starts tomorrow (cue ominous music), so we will see how I hang in there. What have I got to lose?
Oh yeah…a few things…