The arrival of Madi’s High Five magazine is highly anticipated every month. We have to sit down immediately and read all of the stories, complete the hidden picture search, find out “what’s silly” and check out the crafts. It’s really a great kids magazine.
There is one teeny tiny exception…the lovely recipes section each month. I hold my breath when we turn the page, praying that the recipe won’t be too impossible. I’m not saying that they aren’t interesting or creative, but man, they are HARD!
A couple of months ago there was a recipe for soft pretzels…from scratch. We made them at least four times, and they never were what I would call “soft”. Just being honest!
In December, there was a recipe for snowmen made out of meringue. I postponed it as long as I could, but today I broke down and we made the crazy things. We beat the egg whites w/ salt and sugar, plopped globs in a snowman shape, stuck in chocolate chips for eyes and buttons, and baked them for two hours. Did they turn out? Hmm…sort of. Madi’s favorite part? Eating the chocolate chips. My least favorite part? The globs of meringue that ended up in Madi’s hair.
Easiest way to spend an hour – no way. But Madi thought they were pretty cool, and I guess that makes the frustration worth it…right? 🙂