Three years ago, I agreed to participate in the Resolution Run in East Grand Rapids, even though I had not run four miles before…ever. I still remember the last hill, running up towards Rose’s on Lakeside Drive, and being totally convinced that I just wasn’t going to make it. There was a random guy running next to me, and I looked over at him and said, “I’ll race you to the end!” I am pretty sure that he thought I was nuts, and maybe I was. I finished (at a very slow jog) and I remember feeling extremely proud of myself that I had finished.
Finished. It’s a powerful word. It was also the word that I decided to focus on at the beginning of last year. I even included a list of things I wanted to finish…scrapbooks, moving, losing baby weight…
I was actually surprised that I had knocked a few off my list, like losing the last 10 pounds of baby weight, and I was equally not surprised at the tasks that still grace my to-do list, like transferring all of our mini-DV tapes to DVD. Who was I kidding when I thought that I would actually get around to that one? (I really just need to find a good Groupon…let me know if you see one.)
But now that we are almost a week into 2013, I am not quite sure what to do next. Do I keep on focusing on finishing, because it seemed to work out pretty well for me last year? Yes, finishing is great, and I do love a good scribbled out to-do list, but I think I want to direct my focus in a different direction this year.
Here are my thoughts…
Link to video
So…what are your resolutions for 2013? And what suggestions do you have for me to add to my list as I embark on my “Year of Surprise”?