Find all of my 31 Moments of Motherhood posts here.
[Lights come up on a woman standing holding a pair of sunglasses and a camera.]
[Yelling offstage] “Come on sweetie, I want to get to school early so we can take a few pictures!”
[Walks toward audience.]
“It’s the first day of school, and I don’t quite know how to feel. It is difficult to be strong enough to admit that your kids need something that you can’t give them. That they need the socialization of a classroom environment. That they can flourish under the tutelage of talented people that aren’t you.”
“But the day comes, with squeaky new shoes and crisp back-to-school haircuts, and all you can do is swallow hard, take a few snapshots, and wave a happy goodbye as they walk into school.”
[Looks towards stage right.]
“Ready to go?”
[Puts sunglasses on.]
[Aside, to the audience] “To hide the tears welling up in my eyes, of course. At least until I get back to the car and accidentally open the sliding door for a kid who isn’t there to jump in. That’s when the real tears will come.”
“It’s show time.”
[Strikes a happy pose and heads to stage right, offstage. Lights down.]