It is easy to thank God for the big things. A new job, a sold sign stuck in the front yard, an answer to prayer. But it takes more intention to remember to thank God for the little things. They are there for the taking, but sometimes get swept under the rug of everyday life. But lately, I have been trying to intentionally thank God for those little things, especially when I pray before bedtime with the two girls. I’m usually jammed into Fiona’s toddler bed, holding her little hand while I thank God for things like…
#449: Madi having a best friend to be her twin for “Twin Day” at school
#450: Fiona finally pooping after an all day effort
#451: Dad buying the soundtrack for The Lion King for our family production
#452: Warmer weather for soccer practice
#453: Meals from a friend
#454: Making cards for the people we served at the Renucci House
#455: Fiona’s best friend, Georgia
#456: Wrestling matches with Daddy
#457: May Day packages from Grammy
#458: Colorful dresses
#459: Strawberry mini-cupcakes at intermission of Pinkalicious
#460: Somersaults
#461: Chocolate covered granola bars
#462: Trying out a new instrument at the Art Fair
#463: Gummi worms at the grocery store
Looking at my list, maybe they aren’t so little after all. Building a life of service, culture, relationships, family, fun…that is something to be truly thankful for…