March 1: Amazing how exciting sugar-free lollipops from the dentist office are such a big hit…
March 2: Loving technology and modern travel today…my Dad was here visiting for a couple of hours and my Mom joined in via FaceTime while the kids jumped around and opened gifts
March 3: Parker & Madi’s birthday at the farm…I have never seen Madi so excited to help host the party…a true “fiesta” complete with fake mustaches and sombreros. The presents came in a close second…guitar for Parker and legos for Madi
March 4: Love church…the growth, the worship, the community…
March 5: I think Madi would go to after school art class….EVERY DAY!! She made a sugar glider out of clay today, her new favorite animal courtesy of the Kratt Brothers…
March 6: Had a great morning taking Parker to his field trip at the 3 Mile Project…his favorite part was watching a little bit of Tangled in the movie theater while the other 4-year-olds were shouting all around us.
March 7: Madi’s birthday…blue Happy Birthday sign, blue jello, blue frosting…and she was a little blue after Parker puked in the hallway at Meijer Gardens and we had to leave prematurely…
March 8: Took the kids shoe shopping – first time that Madi decided that she didn’t like the same shoes that I liked. She ended up buying Skechers with rainbow laces, Fiona ended up getting shoes with flashing LED lights in the soles, and Parker found shoes with green stripes. And yes, Fiona wore her ballet outfit.
March 9: Loving the weather…and the jump roping and the bike riding and the hide and seek…
March 10: Went to the Civic Theatre for a kid’s theatre production of the Three Little Pigs…Madi & Parker were scared of the troll; Fiona, of course, loved the troll…
March 11: Beautiful days mean adventures down by the lake for boys and their dads…
March 12: First comedy show…Kathleen Madigan and Friends – I was surprised how much I laughed…and how much I needed to…
March 13: Signed off on our final house plans today and even the Art Van rep saying that they couldn’t replace our mattress couldn’t dim my enthusiasm.
March 14: Fiona decided to switch out her ballet costume for Tinkerbell pajamas, which she wore (with two tutus on underneath it) to the park…
March 15: Meijer Gardens try #2: strange going through the children’s garden and nothing much growing yet…so we walked over to see the horse and the kids were awestruck. Their favorite? The 18 inch tall horse you could actually touch…
March 16: Colt Carnival – highlight of the night was the cotton candy, the wandering mascot, and the cake walk (sadly, we didn’t win any cake)
March 17: Big kid adventure was creating a “parade” out of tricycles, wagons, noodles, and jump ropes…the grown-up adventure was trying to find the Jeep charger (unsuccessfully), and Madi’s big adventure was going to the driving range…
March 18: Went for a run to my newfound Fitness Pandora station…where have you been all my life? It was the only thing that got me up and down the crazy hills.
March 19: Finally washed Fiona’s ballet dress and it didn’t fall apart…and I just really wish Parker would acknowledge when he is TIRED!!
March 20: Went to Madi’s first soccer practice…and there was no coach. Seriously? My “break time” may be going out the window…
March 21: Studying Jesus’ death in Bible study…struck by His consistency and commitment to the mission…
March 22: First soccer practice for an excited 4 year old…wore his soccer gear all day long…
March 23: The ballet outfit has made a comeback…complete with hair bow and pink Tigers hat. It’s quite the getup.
March 24: Parker’s new obsession, Doc McStuffins, inspired a Daddy project to build a doctor’s office fort.
March 25: First bowling adventure for Parker and Fi…surprised how involved Fiona stayed all the way through, wanting to roll the ball “all by herself”. First Indian food adventure for me…yum-o!
March 26: Today was a struggle. Finally pulled myself together enough to go and drown my sorrows in the bottom of a dish of creme brûlée at Ruth’s Chris.
March 27: Non-stop day today…highlights included chocolate dipped fruit at work, having the kids get their teeth cleaned by themselves, and women’s event at church
March 28: Turning 34 isn’t so bad…especially when Fiona let me sleep uninterrupted the entire night…
March 29: Cleaned the house for the first time since before the nice weather…