This past weekend, I headed off to Greenville, Michigan to spend just about 24 hours with eight other women to scrapbook. It is scheduled about twice a year, and lately I have only been able to pop in for a few hours, but this time I spent one night to give me more time to hang out….I mean…work really hard on my scrapbook pages.
It always surprises me…but then again, not really…how quickly we jump back into the rhythm of working and talking. There is just something about getting out from behind a computer screen, letting the paper scraps pile up, and listening to the conversation flow late into the night. Refreshing…healing…just what I needed….
#366: Listening to “The Story” on the dark road to Greenville…
#367: Not having to cook every meal…
#368: Eating homemade dip in the middle of the afternoon
#369: Wearing my pajamas until two in the afternoon…
#370: Scribbling book ideas, websites, and kid ideas on a piece of scrap paper
#371: Feeling the creative juices flowing…
#372: A bottomless bowl of Cadbury Mini Eggs…
#373: Talking about nothing…and talking about everything…
#374: The “remember whens”…
#375: One uninterrupted night of sleep
#376: Getting away from our families, just so we can stare at their faces for hours on our pictures, journal our stories, and talk incessantly about them…
#377: Being a part of a community of such amazing women…
I feel truly thankful for my time away, which gave me the perspective I needed after a difficult week. It reminded me that I am not the sum of my challenges, but that I have so much more in reserves that I can draw from. Plus, I ended up with some sweet pages for Fiona’s baby book (Yes, I know…she’s almost three)…icing on the cake.