We have been working through the book of Luke in my Wednesday morning Bible study and I truly consider it a gift as we have been learning about who Jesus was and is…and in turn, what I want to become. Chapter after chapter, His example is so clear, so transparent, so challenging.
So, today…I am thankful for the gift of His example, including…
#228: Compassion for all people
#229: Truth-Telling…no matter what
#230: Caring for people’s practical needs
#231: Teaching in understandable ways
#232: Commitment to the disciples’ spiritual growth
#233: Humility…living out what He taught
#234: Love for everyone…the poor, disadvantaged, women
#235: Blessing the faith of believers
#236: Focus…on His mission
#237: Practicality…straightforward ways to live out your faith
#238: Timeless…just as true today as it was 2,000 years ago
It only scratches the surface of what Jesus is all about…and I hope I never stop pursuing it…