It’s almost midnight, and I haven’t blogged yet today. Hmm…how can I describe my day in just a few minutes…
Didn’t wake up by any alarm, even though Madi’s went off and she said she “tried” to wake us up by yelling from her bunkbed. Wasn’t happening, after being up multiple times with Fiona during the night. Mad dash to get Madi and Ben out the door for the Thanksgiving Chapel which was at the high school…10 minutes away rather than 5.
Mad dash to get my “speaking points” in for my TV interview tomorrow night before we left for the Childrens Museum. Got it in on time, and went to play, which was great. Fiona kept running off and making me panicky, but thankfully…NO FIELD TRIPS!
Big Boy for lunch – tuna melt for me, macaroni and cheese for the kids, all bought for way too much money, but they ate it and I was able to talk to Melissa in relative peace. It’s all relative, folks.
Home for a playdate with Parker and his “best friend”. Had to be the giant so they could flash me with their flashlights and run away screaming having a great time until they had a disagreement what they should do next. Tantrum ensued from Parker, and he had to be carried kicking and screaming up to his room…during the playdate. Nice work, bud. “Best friend” left, Parker was embarrassed, and I spent a quiet afternoon folding laundry, trying to work on the MCG Christmas Gift list, make dinner, and play with the kids.
Mad dash to get out the door to the West Michigan Blogger meet up at the best Grand Rapids Italian place you have never heard of, and I can’t even remember the name right now. But it was delicious, and Ben and I are going to go there sometime on a date night. For sure.
Home again – mad dash to purchase calendars from Snapfish while they were still buy 1, get 2 free…love how long it takes to figure something out that should be simple. No captions…just random pictures from throughout the year. Always floored about how much they change in a short year. Mad dash to try and buy my Christmas cards before the discount expired at midnight until I found out I could only use one discount at a time. Rats. Didn’t have to rush, but at least now they are done.
And now here I am – mad dash to post before the day is through…and before a new day begins.