Friends, Fresh Beat Band, and Family Fun magazine…
Friends, Fresh Beat Band, and Family Fun magazine…

Friends, Fresh Beat Band, and Family Fun magazine…

Since Madi and Parker’s birthdays are only four days apart, it makes sense to combine their parties. However, it can be tricky to find a theme to make make everyone happy. Madi wanted a Backyardigan party, but with the prospect of buying all the “themed” paraphanalia, I dug out an article in Family Fun magazine about throwing a “rock star” party. I told Parker there would be drums and I told Madi that there would be a stage, and they were sold…

Several weeks of procrastination, a couple late nights of prepping games, crafts, and treats, and a few moments of panic thinking about entertaining 10 kids ages 2 – 5, and it was time for the party…

First? Craft time! The girls decorated cardboard guitars with musical foam stickers, sparkly gems, and patterned paper while Parker’s crew made drums out of paper covered snack containers…
Next, we played games, including musical instrument bingo, limbo, and hot potato. We even had a freeze dance, courtesy of Nickelodeon’s Fresh Beat Band. I love the picture Ben took of all the kids dancing around while Parker’s friend Joshua is standing perfectly still watching the music video…

Then it was cake time…I used another Family Fun idea, and made a guitar shaped cake which actually turned out. I was a little surprised, considering how much my hand was shaking while I globbed frosting onto the raw cake edges. But I knew it was a real success when one of Madi’s friends said it was the “best cake”. (Thanks Betty Crocker!)

The kids took turns blowing out their candles…

…and then gobbled down the sugary goodness!

After presents (where Madi received four Barbies, two Barbie outfits, and one Polly Pocket), we let the kids loose to play for the last 15 minutes of the party. Some of the girls helped Madi tear open her new Barbies, and Parker fronted his new band on the “stage” Ben (or should I say MacGyver) constructed with a few pieces of leftover wood and his trusty staple gun. It was noisy, chaotic, and hilarious…

And then, as quickly as it began, it was over. Another successful birthday in the books…thanks to friends, Fresh Beat Band, and Family Fun magazine…
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