I really get a kick out of both our kiddos – they are always doing something that just makes me laugh. But lately, Parker’s little personality has been emerging, and some of the things that he does just absolutely make me crack up! I’ll give you a few examples…
- He has recently decided that he wants to “go potty”. What does this mean? We take off his pants and diaper – he sits on the potty chair – and then he wants to “read” about five magazines. This is what Madi does when she has some business to take care of, so that is where he got the idea. I don’t think he has actually gone yet unless it was by accident, but every once in a while he gives a good grunt to tell me that he is “trying”. It’s hilarious…
- I have also determined that his favorite color is…orange! It’s true…whenever he is coloring, he picks out an orange crayon, marker, colored pencil. I guess I don’t remember when Madi decided her favorite color was purple, but regardless, Parker’s is definitely orange.
- On our last grocery shopping excursion, Ben found this leftover Halloween costume that was marked down to $1.25, so we bought it for Parker. It is a knight costume, complete with breastplate, cape, and helmet. When we got home, Parker suited up, pulled the little facemask over his eyes and trotted proudly around the house. At dinnertime, he took off everything, but he wanted to keep on the mask, which was funny, because he was peeking out through these slats and trying to maneuver his food into his mouth underneath it.
- He’s also quite musical…if we are in a restaurant and he hears the music playing, he will bop his head to the beat. At home, especially if Madi is singing and dancing, he will sing and dance too, which involves going “la la la la” at the top of his lungs, galloping around while waving his arms in the air, and usually spinning in a circle until he falls down from being dizzy. They make quite the act!
Well, he’s quite the kid – stubborn, goofy, compassionate, and full of energy – and I am just struck again and again about how incredibly fun it is going to be to watch them grow up.