My first adventure with pureeing didn’t go so hot; I admit it. But today, when Madi said she wanted to bake something “real”, and I was trying to drum something up, I remembered a recipe that my Grandma gave me this summer when we were visiting her in Minnesota. I had purchased the ingredients a while ago, but had not made them yet.
The recipe was for Baby Food Bars…yep, the ingredients include three small jars of baby food – carrots, applesauce and apricots. Madi and Parker helped me make them, taking turns dumping in all of the ingredients. (Parker actually cracked the eggs like a champ!) Madi was a little perplexed about the carrots, but when she tasted it at the end, she said, “It smells like carrots, but it tastes like cinnamon!”
It is kind of funny, because this recipe is probably 50 years old, but it is right in the vein of the Deceptively Delicious book, except for not pureeing your own vegetables and fruit. And hey, if it was good enough for my Grandma, it’s good enough for me!