The Blickety Block Resale Shop just opened up down the street from us. Isn’t that a catchy name? Basically, the owner buys the contents of storage units, and then resells the items she finds. I’m interested to check it out sometime, but the reason why I mention it is because it made me think about what kind of business I would open if money and time were no object.
I don’t have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and I’m not a huge risk-taker, but I always thought it would be interesting to open up a little consulting/training firm. It would have a place for my kids to hang out, and would have a hip loft-style feel to it. I would design and deliver training programs related to communications for businesses, as well as offer classes at my facility, including reasonably priced classes for Moms who needed to brush up their skills before re-entering the workforce.
Yeah, kind of a pipe dream, especially considering the economy, but a dream nonetheless…