Failed Experiment #35…
The other day, Madi and I were perusing the sales in Kohl’s toy department, and she asked if we could get new playdough, because ours is all dried out. It was on sale (of course), and it gave me have a “brilliant” idea. I spontaneously decided to use the playdough as a motivational tool, and I told Madi that she could have the playdough after she went five days in a row without a tantrum.
I thought this was a great idea, but it has now been almost a week and Madi has NO stickers on her little “no tantrum” chart I made for her because of my “days in a row” rule. Her tantrums started did diminish at the beginning of this experiment, but regrettably have picked back up and today we had at least four major skirmishes. No sticker for today either.
Failed experiment #36…
Today, we made a special trip to Meijer to buy a “night lantern” as Madi calls them, for her room. We thought it would allow us to shut her door so she won’t be distracted by what is happening downstairs and prevent the multiple trips downstairs for every possible issue.
Instead, she thought the night light was “staring” at her, so we are back to having the door open a crack with a stern reminder to stay in bed and go to sleep…it is now 9:45 p.m. and she’s still wide awake.