The other day, I went to talk to Career Services about a presentation for my Business Communications class. We had a great talk about resumes and cover letters, but I also ended up coming away with much more.
It was so nice to talk to someone who is a Mom who works part time in a professional job. This type of job is not easy to find, and we discussed our shared opinion that if more organizations tapped into this “Mommy market”, it would be to everyone’s benefit. This untapped workforce is chock full of highly educated individuals with amazing talent and capacity, who would add so much to an organization, but there is one thing that (at least I believe) prevents stay at home Moms from pursuing part time job opportunities.
The lack of flexibility. And you know what? Flexibility doesn’t cost an organization ANYTHING. Actually, it would probably save money, because Moms would probably get twice as much done in the time that they are there, because they are so used to having to do ten things at once. They may not need health insurance, and don’t necessarily care about some fancy title.
But…flexibility is key…to be available for their kids and maybe work from home? Awesome.
Are our organizations still dictated by gender bias? Definitely. Are women looked down on if they don’t appear to want to climb the corporate ladder? Sure. Do organizations dismiss a woman’s talent simply because she doesn’t fit into the 8-5 mold? Possibly.
Frankly, it’s their loss. We are women who have to keep tough-as-nails customers happy 24-hours a day, and who have resource management and logistics experience that would make your head spin. We have gobs of creativity, able to take a piece of paper and a stapler and turn it into something that will wow their customers…pirate hat, anyone?
I do know people who have found organizations who will offer this flexibility, myself included, but I look at so many of my friends who have so much to offer, and wish that they could have that outlet, even if it was a few hours a week, to show the world outside their four walls how incredible they are!