I have a tendency to lose things. Most of the time I end up finding what I was looking for, but that period of time in between can be so frustrating. I can still remember the time when I thought my glasses were gone, so I bought a new pair. Couple of months later? Found them. Recently, I thought my bluetooth headset was gone, only to track it down in one of our strollers after a frantic search. (It drives Ben crazy)
So, it was interesting when a few weeks ago, Ben’s new sunglasses turned up missing. He scoured the cars, house, everywhere, but they were just…gone. It was especially frustrating to him, because he NEVER loses anything. We figured that they were either stolen or he left them at a Tigers game or something, and ended up ordering a replacement pair.
Fast forward to this past Tuesday.
I pulled out my soccer bag that I had not used for two weeks, and lo and behold…Ben’s sunglasses were inside. I had driven Ben’s car to soccer, so he could take Madi home from ballet, and I must have worn his sunglasses and stuffed them into my bag, thinking that they were his old ones. What a dorky thing to do!
The ironic thing was that I told Ben that I probably was the one who lost his sunglasses, because I could hardly fathom that he would actually lose something. Turns out I was right! Thankfully, he wasn’t upset, because he ended up getting the polarized pair instead, which he wanted, but for heaven’s sake, I need to quit losing things!!

I can relate completelyLosing things is my life story!