1. You know that things are bad when the Douglas J student – two months into his education – goes to give you the obligatory neck and shoulder massage and comments, “Whoa – you are majorly tense!” Thanks, kid. Maybe you should focus on cutting my hair in LESS THAN TWO HOURS!!
2. You really can’t complain about your long haircut when you are using a gift card you received for free.
3. And why is getting a haircut the only time that I allow myself to sit and do nothing?
4. You also know you have a problem when, after a morning at home, you ask your husband, “Is it really okay that we didn’t take the kids to do anything today?” and he thinks you are joking. Unfortunately, you are dead serious.
5. There is nothing funnier than getting “Frankie the Flying Pig” stuck in the rafter beams in the middle of the firm’s party white elephant gift exchange. And there is nothing more satisfying than being surrounded by such…good…people.
6. Chewing your food completely is vastly undervalued, especially after the painful adventure of getting a crunchy piece of appetizer stuck sideways in your throat. Thankfully, eating a big wad of bread helped it get dislodged.
7. There is nothing stranger than realizing your kids are JUST LIKE YOU and hoping that they pick up all of your good qualities and none of the bad ones. This weekend, Ben pointed out that Madi and I both sneak in reading books whenever…and wherever…we can.
8. You know it is going to be a long day when you have to take off in a flat out sprint to prevent Fiona from running out into the church parking lot…with no coat on.
9. You also know it is going to be a long day when you realize that you agreed to make and decorate seven dozen cut-out gingerbread people cookies, because you let Madi pick out whatever cookie she wanted.
10. Sometimes you just have to hit the local Pizza Hut for a $10 pizza and free breadsticks, courtesy of the Entertainment Book your daughter insisted that you buy. Coupon #1 – used. Only a couple hundred left to go.
11. Realizing that you have more to-dos on your list than hours in your week? Ugh. Don’t let me think about it.

Hi I’m Frances and I found you on the NaBloPoMo blogroll.
Wish you had included a photo of “Frankie the Flying Pig” – hehe
I got my hair cut really short yestersay, and it’s gone totally crazy curly.
I’m off to read your post on Pinterest – I have an account and I haven’t figured it out yet!
Happy NaBloPoMo.
Yeah…should have included a picture of Frankie hanging out on the rafters! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!!