Things that frustrate me:
– Hangers…I would pitch all of mine if I could…
– Buying a booster seat at Babies ‘R Us and then getting a coupon for 15% off…two days later
– Bangs that are just long enough to constantly be in my eyes…grrrr….
– Crumbs under the table…no matter how much I sweep, vacuum, or wipe, they are still around
– Stubbing my toe on yet another piece of baby equipment while I try to maneuver across the living room through tents, matchbox cars, and play food
– Blog posts that disappear when I try to submit them
Things that I forget to be thankful for:
– More than enough to meet my needs, even if that means extra hangers
– Having the ability to buy carseats to put in a safe minivan (with plenty of cupholders)
– Being able to stay home where nobody cares what I look like
– Family dinnertime where we eat, laugh, and share what happened that day
– Kids who are inquisitive and who like to use their imagination to spread all of their toys around the living room
– Working through my emotional issues in a constructive way whether it is posted or not
— Post From My iPhone

I love the thankful comments.