Wouldn’t it be nice if we all took this mentality? Where we look at ourselves through the eyes of someone who loves us unconditionally, instead of through the warped mirror of our own insecurities or held up side-by-side with the unrealistic standards of the media?
I developed my own insecurities same as everyone else. Growing up with my big glasses. poofy hair, and reserved personality, I didn’t always feel cool enough to hang out with the “popular” crowd. I have grown out of most of that, but there are still times where I look at myself in the mirror and all I see is someone who is tired-looking, dowdy, and curvy in all the wrong places.
Today at Target, I saw Christina Aguilera on the cover of a magazine touting that she had lost “40 pounds in 4 months” since she had her baby. How is that supposed to make every other woman who has had a baby feel if they don’t lose the weight that quickly…or ever? Even though her only job is to get back in shape, with the help of personal trainers, dieticians, and nannies, it still can sneak into our minds and cause insecurity over why we can’t do that too.
I long to inspire self-confidence in Madi, to teach her what her “mirror” should be. I also know that she will take her cues from me. If I am constantly lamenting about my appearance, she will do that too. If I help her celebrate differences, then maybe she will appreciate her own uniqueness.
As a Mom, I need to chip away at this “warped mirror” for myself and for my daughter. It is dangerous, and it is insidious.

Amen and well said!