Over the last couple of weeks, our house has taken on (yet another) entirely new look. One day we were looking at stacks of drywall…
and insulated walls with some drywall installed…

Then we were able to show off the work-in-progress to family…

But then, a few days later, the stacks of drywall were gone, leaving behind a houseful of white walls…real walls!

It is amazing how different it feels to not be able to just “walk through walls” and see from one end of the house to the other. It is also rather peculiar to see something that was on a blueprint take shape, considering we never looked at a completed house that had the same floor plan. Surprises so far…the entryway seems mammoth (but our light fixture is going to look awesome) and our mudroom bench area looks like it will sit at least five adults (maybe four). But I was also pleasantly surprised that none of the spaces seemed disproportionate. Our table will just fit in the dining room, the master bedroom is truly one room instead of being too big, and we are absolutely going to fill up the garage with our outside “stuff”.
The progress has motivated me to start going through the gigantic stack of bins and boxes in our garage and basement…again…and purge even more. I figured that it might just take me all the way until August to get done…:)

Cool!! Love the archways!