When we signed Madi up for dance lessons last fall, we knew that there was a recital at the end of the year, but we had no idea how big of a deal it was going to be. Ben determined that “it’s ALL about the recital” and I would tend to agree…
First, there’s the costume, which we had to order and pay for back in November. I had a bit of sticker shock at the time…it cost upwards of fifty bucks…but when I saw the dancers that were in 8 or 9 numbers in the recital, all with different costumes…now that would be a significant chunk of change!
Once we got the costume, there were straps to sew on and little poufs to attach to her tap shoes. You have to be a seamstress to have a kid in dance? Who knew? I enlisted my sister Kristin for the straps…sewing is like my “anti-forte”…and I somehow figured out the poufs…we will see if they come off!
Then there was hair and makeup…ringlets for Madi’s stick-straight hair, eye makeup including mascara for her impossibly long eyelashes, blush, and red lipstick. I think I bought 7 different shades before I hit on a real red color – not pink – and discovered the hard way to never use a lipstain on a 4 year old. It smeared all over her face after she rubbed her lips together and would NOT come off. Luckily, that was just our “trial run ” and there were a few days for it to wear off before the real thing.
So, we got her getup figured out, and headed up for the recital. Ben had a glimpse of it all at the dress rehearsal, which was the only time you could videotape your child – otherwise your only option was to buy the professional DVD for forty dollars – seriously.
Anyways, we get up there, push our way through the crowds of parents buying flowers and recital t-shirts to find our seats, open the program, and realize there are 39 numbers. That’s right…39…with a two year old and a 2 week old…nice. (They ended up doing really well, but I was a little nervous)
But then it was Madi’s class, and I was grinning even as they were trotting onstage clutching their little teddy bears which was the “prop” to give them something to do with their hands. The music started, and boy, was it cute. Tapping and twirling and kissing the bear…Madi did it all. She was in the middle of her class, probably because she did the moves rather than stare at the stage lights, and for a 4 year old, she’s really good! I’m sure every parent says that, but I would say that even if she wasn’t my kid! I wanted them to go again…and again…
After watching the remaining 31 or so numbers, we picked Madi up from the stage, She was tired and wanted to “go home” but she really liked watching the other dances, especially the Raggedy Anne dance and the Cha-cha-cha dance. Then as we were walking out, she said, “Wait! Where’s my flowers from Daddy?” (she had told him that he HAD to buy her flowers) And let me tell you…the look on her face as she walked out carrying her flowers and other gifts? Like she ruled the world…it was priceless…
So in the end, it was all worth it and we have one recital extravaganza under our belt…I’m not sure if I’m keen on the idea of her being a “company dancer” someday, but one day at a time…right?