Mama Kat
My ultimate “awkward moment”…
Quite a few things popped into my mind when I was thinking about documenting an awkward moment, but the ultimate one?
Our “not-so-real” Pet…
It is no secret that we are not an “pet” family…but when I saw the video post prompt from Mama Kat about “introducing your family …
on stealing the swag…what I learned at Bloggy Boot Camp 2011
Today, I am linking up with Mama Kat’s writing prompts with my take on the vlog prompt: “Have you been to a blog conference? Share why you …
you know you are a Mom when…
I think I may have disqualified myself from Mama Kat’s Writing Prompts by doing a video post, but when I locked myself in the …
Date night…then and now…
I decided to link up with Mama Kat’s Writer’s Workshop this week. The prompt I chose? “Glance through your photos from last week, choose one, …