“Substantially complete.”
That’s how Ben described our house after our last visit, after we saw what had been completed. The foyer light was [finally] in…
the driveway was poured…
the shower & backsplash was done in our bathroom [minus the mirrors]…
the range hood was almost in…
and the kids are ready to play…
Still to go? Landscaping, a few more light fixtures, one wall to paint, and a good top-to-bottom cleaning…but not much more.
It is strange how months trickle through your fingers and then something you have been waiting for is all of a sudden only weeks away. A new house. A new neighborhood. A new beginning to the next phase of our life.
And yes, it’s “substantially complete”, but it won’t be truly done until there is laughter and tears filling the rooms. It won’t be complete until there are a few scratches and dings in the walls and doors. Because even though we have spent so much time and energy on building these four walls, that’s all they are – wood and nails, tile and drywall, carpet and pressed bamboo. What makes it a home is how we use it – to be a safe haven for our kids, to be a relaxing place for friends and family, to be a place where we can serve others. Home, to me, is a place of respite, relaxation, fellowship, and community, and that is what I hope for us.
Then…it will be complete…a home.