In the 6+ years since Ben and I have been married, we have been to two concerts…Sarah McLachlan (when I was pregnant with Madi) and Kenny Chesney (when Parker was a baby). Obviously, we aren’t “concert people”…but when Ben heard that Third Day was going to be playing at a church down the street, we decided to snag a couple of the last available tickets.
First, the obligatory opening acts, right? One of the bands – Need to Breathe – must be really new on the concert scene, because they just got on stage and played. Not a whole lot of interaction with the audience, but very much into their music. They were eclectic and surprisingly good…their last song they collected at the very front of the stage, and sang a song completely unplugged, telling us first that while this might be “a really stupid idea, it will work if we are all really really quiet” – honestly, that’s what they said!
Third Day was on the absolute other end of the spectrum – they have done just a few concerts in the last 16 years. Yep…16 years! That’s a long time, and it made us feel really old, because we remember listening to them in the very beginning!! One of Ben’s buddies from Georgia was actually asked to play keyboards for them when they were first starting out…turned it down because he was too busy working and such…too bad, huh? We might have had backstage passes, if that had worked out!
Anyways, it was a great concert – had some rocking out moments and definitely worshipful moments. It was very cool to be in a group of believers that were all singing at the top of their lungs BUT directing it to God…a little more emotionally charged than singing on Sunday morning, right? I wish I could have that spirit of worship all the time, where nothing else matters but the powerful words that you are singing…or praying…or saying. I know that I could, it is all up to me, but there is something more restraining when you are in the confines of a church service. Too bad.
By the end of the night, we were tired (of standing up) and my headache had come back (no surprise there), so it was nice to go home…yet another declaration of our “oldness”, but it was definitely worth it!