Lately, I have become rather self-aware of my insecurities. They have been popping up everywhere. Whether it is about my appearance, my abilities, or just for no reason at all, I find myself second guessing myself or worrying about what other people think. Most of the time I can stifle it pretty quickly, but other times, it wears me down and I feel like hiding in a cave…indefinitely.
But then…I was standing in front of the full length mirror in the kids room, contemplating whether I was going to change my outfit for the third time, and I had an ephiphany. I decided that I needed to “rock what I got”. Those were the exact words that popped into my head (courtesy of Superchick). Who cares if the neckline of the shirt and sweater were a little goofy? I was going to rock it with gusto. I felt my insecurity shrink two sizes as I headed downstairs.
So, I started to apply this mantra to other things…
…When one of my students told me that my class was “basically worthless” for them to be in, instead of getting all paranoid about it, I decided to focus on the students who actually want to be there, knowing I have good things to say…rock what I got…
…When I headed to the store after a long day with the kids, sporting frizzy hair, gooey t-shirt, and missing one glove, instead of slouching around hoping I didn’t run into anyone I know, I decided to remind myself that I am a Mom and proud of it…rock what I got…
…When I tried a new crockpot recipe and it got all black around the edges, instead of throwing it into the trash or apologizing for it, I scraped off the burned parts and served it with a smile…rock what I got…
It’s been liberating, because even though my insecurity is probably not gone for good, at least I’m not trying to bunk up inside the cave of my self-doubt anymore. My confidence is back, hopefully for good.
Rock what you got, my friends…it just may liberate you too…

That’s a WAY cooler way of saying “bloom where you’re planted”, “play the cards you’ve been dealt”, etc…
Now couple it with the joy lesson!
Rock what you got with JOY!
Love it. Great philosophy!
I love that combo…thanks for putting it together! I keep thinking that it would make a great bumper sticker for the back of my dented mini-van…;)
I’m a mom, a blogger, and a Ph.D. student, and I need your help. I’m doing a study about why women blog, and you have been selected at random to participate in a short survey about what motivates you to blog and what you get out of blogging.
I hope you will take it by clicking this link. Please do not forward the link.
Thanks in advance for your help. Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.
Gina Chen
Ph.D. student
S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications
Syracuse University
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