It is always cool to watch one of my kiddos “rediscover” one of their toys, whether they find a new use for it, suddenly find it entertaining, or it finally becomes age-appropriate.
When Madi was nine months old, she received a giant stuffed bear from Uncle Sam for Christmas. We named him Cocoa, and because he was a little big for her to play with at the time, he took up residence in her bedroom, mainly inside her playhouse. However, about a week ago, she started calling him “Big Bear”, probably in contrast with her other “Bear” blankie, and has started sleeping with him for naps and bedtime. Big Bear takes up half her bed, but she snuggles up to his soft tummy and drifts off to sleep. Too cute.
Parker, on the other hand, has recently discovered our Melissa & Doug cake puzzle. He carries around the platter of cake pieces like a waiter, on one hand. It’s pretty hilarious! He usually drops it at some point (maybe on purpose to hear the noisy clatter of the wood pieces on the floor) saying, “Uh-Oh” and then he picks them all up and hands the pieces out to everyone in the house. I can’t even count the number of times I have tripped over those crazy wooden pieces. Ouch!
It reminds me that I need to make sure that I take the time to unearth my own “discoveries”, whether it is a purse I haven’t used in a while, a kitchen appliance that is in the back of my cupboard (jello mold, here I come), or even a recipe I have neglected for a while – I have a mac & cheese recipe w/ fontina cheese that I haven’t made in months! It’s like a treasure hunt in your own backyard!