It was like a scene from a suspenseful movie where you watch a character head down a dark alley or walk into a house where it is just too dark and quiet. You want to yell at the screen, “Just turn on the lights!” or “Why are you taking the shortcut?”
I had just finished giving Parker a bath, and was feeding Fiona while Madi took a shower. Parker was zooming around the upstairs with the dry swiffer…I thought it would help him get out some energy and swoop up some dust bunnies at the same time. He headed down the hallway towards our room, and then…it got really quiet.
The viewers yell, “Two year olds are never that quiet!”
(cue ominous music)
Just like in the movies, I didn’t heed the warning signs…and while I didn’t get mugged or attacked by an intruder, I did get my very own zombie…
Yep, Parker got into my makeup and smeared the bright red Revlon Colorstay Overtime lipstick that I had bought for Madi’s ballet recital all around his eyes. And let me tell you, it lives up to it’s name…it stays on. I had tried it on Madi, and didn’t use it again because it took two days for it to wear off…
Too bad it isn’t Halloween yet, we could make it part of his costume. Since that isn’t the case, if anyone has any great ideas on how to get it off, let me know!!

No ideas on how to get it off – but that is one AWESOME PICTURE. Allright Parker! 🙂
oh my word…PARKER!!!!
How about baby oil? Eye makeup remover?