Madi: I’m not going to go to that house [to trick or treat] because they are dressed up as a witch!
*I guess my indoctrination about how I don’t like witches or ghosts or anything scary worked*
Parker: Uh-Oh….Uh-Oh…UH-OH!
*After hearing a dog bark or getting marker on his hands or when he drops food on the floor or really anything*
Ben: What do I need for Christmas, Madi?
Madi: You need undies that don’t stick out of your pants when you give us horsie rides, Daddy.
*True story…*
Parker: I want that! (Sounds like “iwandat”)
*After deciding he wants a snack, toys Madi is playing with, or my cell phone*
Madi: Mommy, why don’t you like me to watch commercials? (While I was fast forwarding a commercial)
Rachel: Hmmm…ahhh…because they just make you want things that you don’t need…
*Hadn’t really thought about that answer before*
Parker: mama…mama…mama…MAMA…
*At 5:30 a.m. this morning, because Parker obviously didn’t get the memo about Daylight Savings Time*
Ben: What time is it? 8:30? Nope – we’re not going home…the kids aren’t in bed yet…
*We were actually out to dinner with some folks from Ben’s work, and not in ANY rush to head home*