Today, I felt as if I was praying a lot of thanks into my kid’s lives. Thankfulness for school, safety, friends, creativity, blankies, God’s love…and I knew that I needed to speak it into my own life today too. I needed to reflect on the past two weeks and the gifts I was given. Documenting them gives them power, meaning, and fortitude for the tough days…tired days…frustrating days…
#144: Pink toenails
#145: Chocolate covered cashews
#146: Adventure racing
#147: Winning 1st place…according to your kiddos
#148: New Experiences
#149: Connecting with the right people
#150: Pain-free dentist visits
#151: Playdates on the trampoline
#152: Little hands
#153: Knees
#154: First soccer goals
#155: Google+ Hangouts
#156: T-Ball
#157: Protection for family
#158: Overnight visits
#159: Treasures
#160: Great…AWESOME…blogging partners
#161: Airplane pretzels
#162: The best fried chicken…ever
#163: Renewing old friendships
#164: Grown-up cousins
#165: Giggles
#166: Art Projects
#167: Coming home
#168: Enemas…don’t ask…
#169: Community
#170: Listening to God’s calling
#171: A quiet house

Love love love this.
Thanks so much…I think I need to do another list today…been a rough one…:(