I spent the last several spring seasons with my head buried in final exams and 10-page research papers. This year I didn’t teach, and as I was able to look around and enjoy the transformation from bleak to glorious, I found myself rediscovering spring. So this week’s gifts are from my springtime discoveries…and a few pictures I snapped with my phone along the way…
#21: Tulips getting ready to open…
#22: Proud smiles after learning a new swingset trick…
#23: Flats of flowers ready to plant…
#24: Green grass…and spring sneakers…
#25: Flowers everywhere…
#26: Wagon rides, full of snuggles and giggles…
#27: Tree blossoms, brilliant for a moment before the petals scatter to the ground…
#28: Ring-around-the Rosie played with reckless abandon…
#29: Spring jackets and strawberry purses…
#30: Hula Hoops!
#31: Tulips finally open and beautiful…
Ah, Springtime…

Love this time of year as well!